Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Yoga How To: Camel

Camel pose is totally a fav yoga pose of mine! I almost always include camel in my daily yoga routine. It stretches nearly all of the body’s major muscles. Camel tones and stimulates the chest, abdomen, thighs, and limbs. I feel that it stretches and loosens up the front of my body the most, which feels so good! I’m going to guide you through this awesome pose.

1. Start by kneeling on the floor with your knees hip width apart. Your thighs should be perpendicular to the floor. Rotate your thighs slightly inward and keep your hips soft. Your shins and tops of your feet should be pressed firmly into the floor. 

2. Place your hands on the back of your pelvis and palms below your lower back, pointing fingers downward. Move your pelvis forward and press your front thighs back. Take a big inhale and press your shoulder blades against your back ribs.

3. Lean back, keep your head up, and hands on your pelvis. It’s hard for beginners to drop backwards into this pose, while touching hands down to feet and keeping thighs perpendicular to the floor at the same time. So, I’d suggest tilting thighs back slightly and twist a little bit on one side to get the one hand on your foot. Then bring your thighs back to perpendicular and straighten out your torso. Touch your second hand to your other foot. If you can’t reach your feet, feel free to turn your toes under to make your heels more reachable.

4. You don’t want to compress your lower back or harden your stomach, so make sure that you’re lower front ribs aren’t protruding sharply toward the ceiling. Press your palms into the soles or heels of your feet. The base of your palms should be on your heels and fingers point in the direction of your toes. Your neck should be kept in a neutral position, but if you feel comfortable enough, drop it back. Be very careful not to strain your neck!

5. Beginners should only hold this pose for around 20 seconds so as not to strain anything. After you’ve practiced this pose multiple times and feel comfortable, hold the pose for 30 seconds to 1 minute. When you’re ready to come out of camel, place your hands on your hips, inhale, and lift your head and torso up. If your head is tilted back, let the front of your body lead you out of the pose. Don’t jerk your head forward. Now, relax in Child’s Pose; forehead on the ground, arms under your shoulders, palms facing up. Come out of this pose whenever you feel ready.

I hope you enjoyed learning how to do camel pose.

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