I’m totally crazy about downward-facing dog! I always try to incorporate this pose into my
yoga practice because it stretches out my legs, which feels sooo good! This
pose is also a great shoulder stretcher! Just grab a yoga mat, throw on some
comfy clothes, and I’ll teach you how to do it!
1. To start this
pose, get down on your hands and knees. You want your knees to be directly
below your hips. Position your hands slightly in front of your shoulders.
Spread out your fingers and curl your toes under.
2. Exhale and push your knees off the floor, raise those
hips! Start to straighten your legs. Keep your arms straight and hands flat on
the floor. Rotate your shoulder blades away from your head. Your head should
hang parallel to your arms. Keep your eyes focused on the center of your
3. Keep your tailbone pointed toward the ceiling. Your body
should now look like an inverted “V”.
4. Hold for 30 seconds to two minutes. Only hold the pose
for as long as you feel comfortable. If you feel any pain in your shoulders or
wrists, stop and come out of the pose.
5. To come out of downward dog, exhale and slowly bring your
knees to the ground. Then go into Child’s Pose; forehead on the ground, arms
under your shoulders, palms facing up. Come out of Child’s Pose whenever you
feel like it.
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